Savings Accounts
An old proverb states “the art is not in making money, but in keeping it.” Let us help you prepare for that “rainy day” or for the future. |
Regular SavingsA great savings account for regular savers, or link to your CCB checking for bounce proof protection. |
Koala Club Super SaversA young mind is like gelatin ̶ the idea is to put in lots of good stuff before it sets. Our kid’s savings account is a great way to start. |
Money Market AccountA flexible way to save money, earn interest, and have limited check-writing ability. |
Certificates of Deposit (CD)If you have money you are planning not to use for some time, CD’s are one of the safest savings options available. |
CDARsThe most convenient way for safety-conscious investors to earn interest and access FDIC insurance on multi-million-dollar CD deposits. |
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)There’s no time like the present to start saving for the future. So, let’s get started! |